एसएलसी फेल, बिहे पास

Amrit Gurung posted a link to a YouTube video on his Facebook page today that showed a group of men from a Gurung family singing one of the first songs of the band Nepathya. I found that very very interesting. Very nicely done– over a dining table. I was so impressed that I watched it twice and showed the video to a cousin who was visiting me at my home. That video prompted me to look for more Nepathya songs on YouTube. I like many songs of the band.

As I typed the word “nepathya”, the video sharing site suggested several possible combinations that the site thought I could be interested in. I chose “nepathya songs collection“. Seventh video in the list had a familiar cover photo. The one I took near the Rara lake in Mugu district. Padam Bahadur Rawal is smiling at my camera as he tended his sheep.

As I played the video (the song “Binti chha hai“) I saw many more photos that I had taken during my trips to Karnali region used in the slide show. Those photos made me nostalgic. My trips to Karnali region, first in 2007, were great in the sense that they taught me a lot about Nepali society and what it means to be a Nepali in the remotest and neglected corners of Nepal. Last time I checked, Rara wasn’t in the Lonely Planet guide book on Nepal. I have recommended this place to many foreigner friends who aske me where they should go in Nepal. I recommend it to everyone. If you prefer reading this story in English, here it is: A Different Alchemist: Himalayan Yarns of Nepali Shepherds (Also, don’t forget to watch the Gurung family video).


लाई लैजाउ मेल्टरी जुत्ता
माथि लेक हिउ छ
नफाल्नु दियाको चिठ्ठी
त्यसमा मेरो जिउ छ

दिनेश वाग्ले

एसएलसी पासहुने आस मारेका १८ बर्षो पदमबहादुर रावलले पाउलो कोहेल्लोको अल्काईमिस्टको भेडा गोठालोले भन्दा फरक अबको जिन्दगी तिनै जनावरका पछाडी लगाउने सोचेका छन् ।

रारा (मुगु)- सिमसिमे पानीले खुम्चिएका चार सय भेडा मुख चलाउदै सुस्ताइरहदा पदमबहादुर रावल नजिकैको गोठभित्र धुवाको मुस्लोसँग संघर्ष गरिरहेका थिए । झ्यारी गाउ मस्तिर रारा ताल नजिकैको त्यो गोठ बर्षा छल्न पसेका केही ग्वाला पानी रोकिनासाथ जंगल पस्ने सुरमा छन् । अगेनोको फलामे भाडोमा उम्लिरहेको सीमी बाहा (साँझ) को खान्की हो ।

दाईने पाखुरामा केरमेटसँगै अंग्रेजी क्यापिटल अक्षरमा ‘मेक द टेम्पल’ र दाईने पिडुलामा कोरिएको ‘ह्याप्पी’को अर्थ आउने भए पदम किन तीनपटक एसएलसी फेल हुन्थ्ये ? ‘कितावको साटो भेडा पढ्ने,’ टोप्ला गाउको कर्णाली सेकेन्डरी स्कुलका पूर्व विद्यार्थीले भने- ‘कहाँको पास हुनु ?’ बाहिर उग्राइरहेका मध्ये पाच दर्जनजति भेडा उनका हुन् र पासहुने आस मारेका १८ बर्षोले पाउलो कोहेल्लोको अल्काईमिस्टको…

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