Tag: north india

  • Migrant Workers: Nepali (Rolpali) Porters of Shimla

    Migrant Workers: Nepali (Rolpali) Porters of Shimla

    भागी ती भागीका छोरा पिलेन घुइक्याउदा छन् अभागी गरिवका छोरा भारी चुइक्याउदा छन् मसुरी डाँडोमा भारतभरीका र संसारकै मान्छे पुग्छन् । तिनीहरु कुन देश या भारतीय राज्यका हुन् खुट्टयाउन हत्तपत्त सकिन्न । तर खुम्चिएको ढाका टोपी लगाएका, काँधमा नाम्लो भिरेका र यहाँका साघुरा गल्लीमा भारी बोकेर या त्यसै भौतारिइरहेका जुनै पनि मलिन अनुहारलाई सहजै चिन्न…

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  • And the Monkey Stole My Glasses in Shimla

    Shimla’s monkeys are agressive and audacious. They don’t seem to miss an opportunity to intimidate, attack and assault humans. A huge Hanuman statue standing atop the Jakhu hill (of whose base the town Shimla is located, sort of) could be the source of their arrogance. That’s my assumption. Hanuman’s statue, way bigger than the Gandhi’s at…

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  • A Quick trip to Shimla

    Shimla is a town of Monkeys who behave like Monkeys. But I will keep this album free of monkeys. I present here the atmosphere of the town- crowds and buildings- as I saw it. During my two-year stay in Delhi as a reporter I traveled to most of the famous ‘hill stations’ in north India.…

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  • Toy Train to Shimla

    We wanted to come to Shimla in a toy train. Toy trains are slower and expensive than a bus ride to the hilly town. But we wanted to experience the train service (and route) that’s listed as UNESCO world heritage site. I also wanted to compare it with that of Darjeeling. On this route, tunnels…

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  • At Rohtang Pass, Himanchal Pradesh, India

    Previous post: A trip to Manali, India. Not many options were available to us at the taxi stand. Manali is a small town, every taxi driver appeared to have known the other fairly well. So the bargaining ended pretty quickly. The journey started with an unexpected warning from our driver. The road ahead, he said in…

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